ThrivePoint High School | Arizona


Overview: ThrivePoint High School is an innovative online high school dedicated to preparing students for both academic success and future careers. We offer a fully accredited high school diploma program that integrates traditional academics with real-world career training, with a special emphasis on local business partnerships. Our goal is to create a dynamic learning environment where students not only learn but also engage directly with the industries they aspire to join.

Mission: To collaborate with local businesses and industries to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and hands-on experiences necessary for career success, fostering a strong connection between education and employment.

Vision: To become the leading online high school that works hand-in-hand with local businesses, creating a pipeline of skilled, job-ready graduates who contribute to the growth and development of their communities.

Core Values:

Partnership Opportunities for Local Businesses:

  1. Internship Programs: Host student interns to provide hands-on experience in your industry.
  2. Apprenticeship Opportunities: Offer long-term apprenticeship programs to train students in specialized skills.
  3. Business-Education Partnerships: Offer students real-world project opportunities with an industry mentor as guide.
  4. Mentorship from Industry Professionals: Local business leaders and professionals volunteer as mentors, guiding students through career exploration and skill development.
  5. Guest Lectures and Workshops: Share your expertise with students by giving guest lectures or hosting workshops.
  6. Career Pathway Expos: Participate in career events where students can learn more about your industry, the skills or knowledge required to get started and potential career pathways towards future success.
  7. Community Impact: By partnering with ThrivePoint, businesses help shape the future workforce, contributing to the economic growth and sustainability of the community.


Contact Information:

Arizona Campus Locations:
Avondale, Buckeye, Glendale, Metro Center, Surprise, Yuma
Our work-at-home program serves all of Arizona. 

Call to Action for Local Businesses: Join us in shaping the future workforce by partnering with ThrivePoint High School. Whether you’re looking to mentor the next generation, fill skill gaps in your industry, or give back to your community, there’s a place for you at ThrivePoint. Together, we can ensure that students graduate not only with a diploma but with the skills, experience, and confidence they need to succeed in their careers and contribute to the local economy.

Get Involved: Let’s build a brighter future together!